Video 056 Reverse Protocol

What this is about: The case is about a man in his forties who has lost his family and career. He experiences extreme dysregulation, suicidal thoughts and an inability to make sustained relationships. He has a childhood of extreme neglect and abuse. The defining condition is a lack of any hope of change or relief in the future. He is unable to contemplate dealing with past and current traumas.

What you will learn: How to work, first with the future loss of hope using the standard EMDR protocol. You will also learn how to use aspects of Brief Solution Focused Therapy to create a hopeful future, if the client is unable to do so himself. This hopeful future will become the target in this first phase of the three-part therapeutic journey.

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Video 040 Co-constructing a hypothetical ‘ideal’ parent

This is about Tom, a young man brought up in a dysfunctional family: an alcoholic mother and a controlling, sometimes violent, father who would belittle him for showing a desire to learn and do well in school.  Tom grew up with a sense of being rejected by his family and carried thoughts of being ’bad’ and ‘shameful’. These became particularly troublesome after Tom developed a serious interest in a fellow student at university.  He found himself holding back from the relationship, scared that she might reject him when she found out what a ‘bad’ person he was.

What you will learn:

The video demonstrates how Tom’s damaging and pervasive attachment experiences with his mother and father can be repaired and reversed through rewiring his thought patterns.  The video shows how the therapist and Tom co-construct and install an alternative reality - a hypothetical ‘ideal’ mother as a resource.  In turn, this led to new neural pathways that changed the way he felt about himself and how he related to others.

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Video 039 The EMD(r) Protocol

This video is about Sally, a young woman  who has been in a car accident, the target memory, and has started treatment with the standard EMDR protocol. Unexpectedly during processing, she is flooded with memories of a previous event from her childhood.

What you will learn

The use of EMDr to successfully desensitize and reprocess the new intrusive memory through this narrow focussed adaption of the standard EMDR process, before going back to the original target memory.

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Video 037 Couple therapy Phase 3 (Managing Conflict)

The case is about Jane, who came for help about her relationship with her wife, Mary. This video is the third of a three part video series showing several important aspects of working with difficult partner relationships. The three videos focus on the relationship in the past, in the present and in the future. This final video demonstrates the use of Future template protocol to install new skills designed to prevent/manage conflict in future.

What you will learn:

Enable clients develop and deploy new skills to reduce risk of conflict and help resolve conflict should it arise in future. In particular it shows:

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Video 036 Couple therapy Phase 2 (Desensitizing externalised hostile attitudes and prejudice)

Case of a woman, Jane, whose marriage to Mary was in trouble. Video 035 describes how to identify and desensitize/reprocess past trauma affecting the relationship. This video deals with current difficulties

What you will learn:

What you will learn: Use of an adaption of the standard EMDR protocol to undo concurrent negative beliefs held by the client about herself and her partner in one process.

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Video 035 Couple therapy Phase 1 (Desensitizing the past)

Case of a woman, Jane, whose marriage to Mary was in trouble. Differences between them, including experiences of trauma and educational achievements, were leading to serious discord.

What you will learn:

What you will learn: Use of EMDR to work with couples. Key questions for use in history taking to uncover causes of discord, and to identify EMDR targets. Consideration of whether to have both partners ‘in the room’ when using EMDR on one of them.

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Video 033 Healing childhood trauma with storytelling and EMDR

This video demonstrates the use of storytelling along with the standard EMDR process with a child who found it difficult to tell what happened to her, struggled to find cognitions and had problems following eye-movement bilateral stimulation.

What you will learn:

How to create a story describing a child’s traumatic experience, involve family members in the process, and carry out the adapted standard EMDR process.

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Video 024 Dealing With Abreactions

Intense affect often accompanies work with complex trauma. These can be a re-enactment of emotions experienced during the trauma and can be shocking to witness. The temptation is to stop processing and move into talking therapy or other mode of operation. Usually, a better way is to enable the client to safely continue to process while you ‘stay out of the way’.

What you will learn:

How to manage yourself as therapist and the client when there is a strong emotional response during an EMDR processing session and several different ways of working with abreactions.

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Video 077 Three Resource Interweaves

This video demonstrates the development and installation of three types of resources that can be very useful for some clients who might benefit from access to sources of nurturing, protection or wisdom during treatment with EMDR. They can be installed prior to or during processing.

What you will learn:

To learn how to stabilise clients prior to using EMDR or during actual processing to overcome blockages or stuck situations.

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Video 022 Overcoming Performance Anxiety

Case of a singer who suffered an unexpected panic attack during a performance, seriously threatening his future ability to continue as a soloist.

What you will learn:

How to use the standard EMDR protocol along with the three prong approach to overcome performance anxiety. Can be used in many other situations, e.g. fear of a future medical procedure after a bad experience.

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Video 020 Complex Grief (Phase 2 - Confrontation)

The sudden, accidental death of a grandson. While Video 019 dealt with the pain and loss associated with a past event, this video deals with the present: triggers and secondary losses associated with the death.

What you will learn:

How to use EMDR to help the client re-experience the absent loved one, relinquish memories of old (now unsuitable) attachments, while identifying memories he/she wants to hold on to.

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Video 019 Complex Grief (Phase 1 – Avoidance)

When a client’s grief has become complex i.e. deviating from the norm in either the time or intensity of specific or general symptoms of grief and/or the level of impairment in social, occupational, or other areas of life.

What you will learn:

How to use EMDR to release the complex nature of stuck or distorted grief – the first phase in a three-phase process to address Complex grief. Also, how Narrative therapy provides a ‘bird’s eye’ picture of how the three phases work together.

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Video 001 Dealing with dissociation - CIPOS with BHS

Case of woman with history of childhood physical and emotional abuse. Video shows how to work safely when there is a high risk of dissociation, which can lead a client to lose contact with the present moment and be caught up in the past when asked to describe or focus on a traumatic event.

What you will learn
How to use CIPOS (Constant installation of present orientation and safety) and BHS (Back of the head scale) when risk of dissociation is high.

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Video 023 Targeting Positive affect

Many clients come to therapy with a problem that includes both positive and negative affect components. In terms of Shapiro’s Adaptive Information Processing Model, it’s as if there are two entry points to stored memory networks.

What you will learn:

What to target when clients come to therapy with a problem that includes both positive and negative affect components

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Video 002 Targeting trauma held by one part of the personality

Case of woman with history of childhood physical and emotional abuse. Video shows a Phase 3 Assessment with a dissociative client, stabilised with CIPOS and BHS, when the trauma is held by a part of the personality.

What you will learn

How to do a Phase 3 Assessment with a dissociative client when the trauma is held by a part of the personality. Phase 4, Desensitisation, follows.

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Video 078 (Pt 1.3) Dealing with introjects

This is about a company executive living in fear of his boss. His family history was one of negative interactions with powerful people over several generations. This was the source of his class inferiority - the introject or psychic object that he had unconsciously absorbed, and now blighted his relationship with his boss.

What you will learn

How to free clients from damaging generational and cultural practices using the standard protocol in conjunction with a process based on Narrative therapy in which the introject is ‘externalized, disowned by the client and removed with a two handed and imagination interweaves.

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Video 078 (PT 1.4) NAW

NAW stands for Notice, Acknowledge and Welcome. It’s a technique borrowed from sensorimotor psychotherapy to address psychological and physically experienced pain and in this application is incorporated into the standard EMDR protocol. This video shows two case examples. In the first, a 40 year old woman experienced lots of pain during the stabilization phase of the work with her therapist.

What you will learn

How to use this technique with a step by step protocol, and understand the basic mechanism that leads to pain relief.

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Video 032 CIPOS or children

This video demonstrates the use of Constant Installation of Present Orientation and safety (CIPOS) with Olivia, a child who had been in a car accident. She has had flashbacks about the accident and is reluctant to process the memories

What you will learn

How to use CIPOS (Constant installation of present orientation and safety) with children

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Video 009 Overcoming 'known' blocking beliefs

Case of a woman bullied at work and with a history of physical and emotional violence by her father. The therapist started with the childhood experiences and during processing of the worst of these, the client became blocked – no longer able to ‘see’ what happened next – and the processing stopped.

What you will learn

How to get over blocks to processing where the nature of the block is known.

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Video 010 Overcoming unknown-hidden blocking beliefs

Case of a middle aged man who was raped as a young teenager. He has never sought therapy until recently, but is getting very distressing flashbacks. This early experience appears to have had a profound effect on his life: never married, something of a loner, buried himself in work (he is a successful small business owner).

What you will learn

How to get over blocks to processing where the nature of blocks is not known.

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Video 030 Four Field Technique

Case of a child – Grace/Seren - injured in a horse riding accident. Shows the use of the Four Field Technique that asks the client to make use of drawings - a safe place, initial target and what subsequently arises during the Bilateral Stimulation phase. Aide mémoire describes option for installing a positive cognition for children who are mature enough to handle this phase.

What you will learn

How to work with children making use of drawings to find a safe place, initial target and what arises during the BLS.

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Video 031 The Absorption Technique

This technique is a way of resourcing clients, in this case a child, so they have coping mechanisms to deal with the issues they are currently facing, or for future ones, such as day to day problems in school, friendships, medical appointments, mood changes, worries, etc.

What you will learn

How to work with children to promote resilience and coping mechanisms.

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Video 050 Reliable way to install a safe place

This is about a man called Tony who in his younger days, was a gang member. Now older, and less able to look after himself, he’s recently received a very bad beating from members of a different gang. He’d heard about EMDR and wanted to know if this could help. He was hyper vigilant, always looking out for enemies (and, of course, the police), showing overactive Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) activity.

What you will learn

Step by step protocol for installing this ‘standard’ safety intervention.

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Video 052 The Light Stream

This is about a woman called Celia, who is in her fifties. She has a history of childhood and teenage bullying and her first husband was arrested for domestic violence. She has never felt truly safe in her life. She remarried and now has two adult children who have left home.

What you will learn

How to help a client manage feelings of severe distress.

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