Posts in Children
Video 033 Healing childhood trauma with storytelling and EMDR

This video demonstrates the use of storytelling along with the standard EMDR process with a child who found it difficult to tell what happened to her, struggled to find cognitions and had problems following eye-movement bilateral stimulation.

What you will learn:

How to create a story describing a child’s traumatic experience, involve family members in the process, and carry out the adapted standard EMDR process.

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Video 032 CIPOS or children

This video demonstrates the use of Constant Installation of Present Orientation and safety (CIPOS) with Olivia, a child who had been in a car accident. She has had flashbacks about the accident and is reluctant to process the memories

What you will learn

How to use CIPOS (Constant installation of present orientation and safety) with children

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Video 030 Four Field Technique

Case of a child – Grace/Seren - injured in a horse riding accident. Shows the use of the Four Field Technique that asks the client to make use of drawings - a safe place, initial target and what subsequently arises during the Bilateral Stimulation phase. Aide mémoire describes option for installing a positive cognition for children who are mature enough to handle this phase.

What you will learn

How to work with children making use of drawings to find a safe place, initial target and what arises during the BLS.

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Video 031 The Absorption Technique

This technique is a way of resourcing clients, in this case a child, so they have coping mechanisms to deal with the issues they are currently facing, or for future ones, such as day to day problems in school, friendships, medical appointments, mood changes, worries, etc.

What you will learn

How to work with children to promote resilience and coping mechanisms.

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