Serving the community better (September 2020)

We want to increase our capacity to serve the EMDR community by:

  1. Producing more videos to enhance clinical practice.  We are aiming for 15 this year up from our previous 12/year

  2. Increasing our online learning opportunities in the light of Covid 19 and our belief that the adoption of technology in sectors like health care and education will become a permanent feature in our way of life

  3. improving our reach into the EMDR community by increasing subscribers

  4. Becoming more racially and culturally inclusive. As you can see from the photograph, the emdrgateway team is all white (from left to right Amy, Sally, Richard, Marilyn). We think it’s time we reflected better the multi-cultural and multi-ethnic communities many of us live and work in and serve.

We’re looking for help in this task, and would love someone to join the team - at least one person who is an accredited EMDR practitioner, consultant or trainer, who:

  • is motivated by our values to ‘do good’ and not primarily by financial gain - none of us get paid

  • will be active in reaching the objectives set out above

  • has relevant skills in one or more of script writing, teaching, marketing, presentation and/or digital technology.

The Company works in a highly decentralised way. Its four principals live in three different places and except for filming, work together online.

If you are interested please write to: giving brief background information and why you are interested.


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