Video 031 The Absorption Technique

Use this solution 

This technique is a way of resourcing clients, in this case a child,  so they have coping mechanisms to deal with the issues they are currently facing, or for future ones, such as day to day problems in school, friendships, medical appointments, mood changes, worries, etc.


Arne Hofmann (2003)

Video production

Matthew Davies Media Ltd, Llanidloes, Powys.

What this covers

The case is about a six year old boy called Oscar.  Oscar’s come to therapy because he’s afraid of visiting doctors following a traumatic experience - hospital doctors had to manipulate his elbow back into place without the use of pain killers.  The video shows how the Absorption Technique can be used to promote resilience and develop coping mechanisms so that Oscar can go forward with less fear and a more balanced view of doctors.

How long

10.32 minutes

Related Videos

See Video 030.

Go to ‘Take-away’?

Aide-mémoire is available for step-by-step guide to use in a client session.

Take-Away Section

Absorption Technique. This technique supports children in creating resources for present issues and future challenges

+ Wrap up

  • See original paper: Arne Hofmann (2009) “The Absorption Technique” in M Luber (Ed.), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): Scripted protocols: Special populations. New York: Springer Publishing Co., 275-279.
  • See: Kiessling (2009) “The Wedging Technique” cited in M Luber (Ed.), (2009) Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): Scripted Protocols: Basic and Special Populations. New York: Springer Publishing Co., 91-92.
  • See Eckers, D. (2010). “The absorption technique for children” in M Luber (Ed.), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Scripted Protocols: Special Populations . New York: Springer Publishing Co., 43-49.

+ Aide-mémoire

You can copy and paste this text into a Word document, and can edit it, adding any additional text you might find helpful.

  1. Consider having a variety of art and craft materials to help the child identify their skills.
  2. With the child consider what Issue to focus on.
  3. Establish the level of distress related to this issue (SUD: ___/10).
  4. Help the child think about three abilities they have, which might help them deal with the problem identified:-

  5. Help the child to think about the first ability they have (give some examples to help if required).
  6. Encourage the child to draw the image that represents that situation/ability
  7. Ask the child to think about the Image, what they feel when they think about it, and where the feeling is in their body.
  8. Enhance the ability ( Image,feeling and body location) by completing BLS (slow, short sets)
  9. Second Ability- Ask the child to think about a time in the past when they had the 2nd ability and encourage them to have an image that represents that situation.
  10. Ask the child to think about that Image, what feeling do they get when they do so, and where that feeling is located in their body. Do slow short sets of BLS to enhance the feeling.
  11. Repeat the process for the third ability.
  12. Ask the child to think about the three abilities together and the location of where they feel them in their body. Strengthen with BLS (slow set).
  13. Finally, have the child feel the abilities together, then go back to the original issue/problem and get a SUDs reading out of 10. Compare to first reading. Repeat/strengthen installation as necessary. Consider commencing standard protocol if appropriate